Welcome to Safer North East Lincolnshire

Working together to safeguard children, adults and the community

SaferNEL is a multidisciplinary website which combines three key services to help safeguard children, adults, families and their community.

Abuse and neglect

Types of abuse and what it looks like, reporting abuse, available support, if someone needs your help, safety planning, legal advice and MARAC

Your health and wellbeing

Struggling with alcohol and drugs, children, adults and older people’s mental health, eating disorders and dual diagnosis

Crime and staying safe

Anti-Social behaviour, PSPO, ASB case review, CCTV, CPN, hate crime, nuisance behaviour, victim support, Neighbourhood Watch, protecting your property and staying safe online

Report a concern

Let us know if you have a concern about a child or an adult

Jobs and training

Workforce development, events, job opportunities and upcoming training opportunities

Safeguarding reviews and audits

Learning from reviews and audits of child death, and children and adult safeguarding

Combating terrorism

Prevent, tackling extremism and radicalisation amd channel panel

Young people, family, parent and carer support

Family relationships, young carers, safe sleeping, managing crying, road and car safety, young witness support service, youth offending, local offer, SEND, FFIS and Young People Support Service

Guidance for professionals

Online resources, guidance, information and advice