Over 300 people attended a conference packed with inspiring speakers and thought-provoking workshops, hosted at the Grimsby Institute for Further and Higher Education on 2 July 2019. This showcased two major developments in the wellbeing of children and young people in our area.

The first was the launch of the new Safeguarding Children Arrangements for North East Lincolnshire, led by the three statutory partners:

  • NHS Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Humberside Police
  • North East Lincolnshire Council

The second was the remarkable work which has been taking place with our local education providers to develop a Together for All pledge fostering a shared responsibility for creating a sense of local pride, hope and ambition for the future.

The day was designed as a learning event and also as an opportunity for people to influence the shape of things to come. The inputs and insight that were contributed will feed into the agendas for both of these programmes in the coming months.

Conference programme

Here you can access the conference content and all of the materials used by the keynote speakers and workshop leaders.

Keynote speaker presentations

Workshop presentations
