Multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC)
MARAC is a multi-organisation meeting with local agencies who discuss the highest risk victims of domestic abuse in the area. Information is shared about the risks faced by those victims, the actions needed to ensure their safety, and the resources available locally are used to create a risk management plan involving all agencies.
Any professional agency can make a referral to MARAC.
NEL MARAC Referral Form (Word, 21KB)
The MARAC process works better when the victim is cooperating and gives consent, however, if consent is refused this may be overruled.
What happens after a MARAC?
The Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA), or a practitioner in regular contact with the victim, will contact them to let them know about the safety plan, measures and support each agency is offering.
All contacts must confirm with the MARAC coordinator when their agency actions have been completed.
MARAC NEL Briefing (PDF, 72KB)