Safeguarding Children Partnership

The North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NELSCP)

How the North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership work

The vision of the NELSCP is to work together to ensure safeguarding arrangements within our place are proactive, robust, effective and clear.

We will also offer help and support at the earliest point and to enable children, young people and families to have positive outcomes, where they reach their full potential.

The NELSCP operates in line with the following legislation and statutory guidance:

  • The Children Act 2004, as amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
  • Working Together: Transitional Guidance 2018


Our online manual contains all policies and procedures for the North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

You can also view our North East Lincolnshire Children’s Services Procedures Manual .


Three partners work together with a shared equal responsibility for safeguarding. They are Humberside Police, NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and North East Lincolnshire Council.

We have made arrangements to work together with relevant agencies to safeguard and protect the welfare of children in our area.

Partnership arrangements

Partnership structure

SCP Group Governance Structure (PDF, 67KB)

Safeguarding Children Partnership Executive Board

The Board brings together the three safeguarding partners to assess needs, create a strategic direction, plan the delivery of work and receive assurance that the two SCP outcomes are being met.

Quality Assurance Group

The Group scrutinises, interprets local performance data and quality, checking that indicators of positive change are being met. It undertakes multi-agency audits, makes recommendations for and monitors the impact of practice improvement.

Safeguarding Review Group

The Group reviews serious child safeguarding cases, undertakes rapid reviews and makes recommendations to the safeguarding partners about what the next steps should be, including whether a practice review is required. The Group is also responsible for communications at a national level on these cases.

Learning and Development Group

Commissions inter-agency safeguarding training, ensures single/multi agency safeguarding training meets local needs, ensures learning from Line of Sight practice reviews informs workforce development

Domestic Abuse Operational Group

This is a multi-agency group that helps to deliver our work on domestic abuse and track progress. It implements a programme of workforce development and also identifies any gaps in service provision.

Children’s Exploitation One System Approach

This multi-agency group is a new way of brings together expertise on the various elements of exploitation and focus on reducing risk, identifying emerging issues and deploying the shared resources of the partnership to raise awareness and take action.

Minutes for North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership boards


SCP Newsletter – June 2024 (PDF,1MB)