North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board

Consultancy Fee: £550 per day (up to 2 days per month) plus reasonable expenses

JOB TITLE: Independent Chair (North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board)

North East Lincolnshire has beautiful coastline and countryside and is a developing part of the country with exciting, successful and long-standing health and social care partnership arrangements. We work closely as system partners and have built strong relationships: working within a Section 75 agreement between health and care since 2007.

North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board (NELSAB) is seeking to appoint an Independent Chair, who will take on a key leadership role within our partnership arrangements.

The NELSAB is well established, with good partnership relationships, built on a restorative culture of ‘high support, high challenge’. It has a determination to focus on improving outcomes for adults at risk of abuse or neglect, using an outcome-based accountability approach.

The NELSAB has a significant role to play in helping us progress forward with our plans to address areas of concern and improve practice. We are determined to make the improvements required and to achieve the outcomes as set out within our strategy and the ambitions for our local population.

Purpose of the Independent Chair role:

  • To chair North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board (NELSAB) meetings.
  • To drive forward safeguarding collaboration and partnership working, ensuring the NELSAB operates effectively and meets its statutory requirements as set out in the Care Act.
  • Help focus the work of sub group meetings, task and finish group meetings and support the development of quality assurance to include oversight of partners’ learning and development activities.
  • To ensure that key issues and national developments are brought to the attention of and considered by the SAB and its sub-groups.

Our Chair will provide strong strategic leadership to ensure that local multi agency safeguarding arrangements operate effectively, as well as seek assurance and provide scrutiny of all relevant organisations and agencies ensuring they co-operate to safeguard and promote the welfare of adults at risk of abuse and neglect in NE Lincolnshire. Our Chair will support and challenge partners in order that the voice of the adult at the heart of its work and ensure Making Safeguarding Personal is central to all decision making.

We are seeking someone to help further develop our strategic partnership working and drive towards our ambitions and goals. Applicants will require excellent leadership and decision-making skills and substantial experience within the safeguarding arena. You will hold a professional qualification or equivalent in senior leadership experience with a clear vision, strong leadership skills and clearly demonstrable communication, mediation and negotiation skills, both with professionals and the public. You will have experience and skills in chairing large, complex multi-agency meetings at a senior strategic level, excellent verbal and written skills and the ability to enthuse and challenge partners to ensure effective safeguarding arrangements are in place.

In return we will offer our Chair a full induction to North East Lincolnshire and to our partnership arrangements, the opportunity to drive forward change alongside our committed partnership and the support of our teams.

The NELSAB Independent Chair is accountable to the Chief Executive for North East Lincolnshire Council. Salary will be £550 per day, including travel and expenses, up to a maximum of 24 days per year. The appointment will be for a minimum of one year and then subject to review on an annual basis.

If you would like to discuss the role further, then please contact SAB Manager.  

If you would like to apply please send us a comprehensive CV with a supporting statement detailing your relevant knowledge, skills and experience before the closing date.

Please follow this link to make an application:

Job profile (

Closing date 2 January 2023