December 2022

Provider Forum Newsletter – December 2022

The latest edition of the Provider Forum Newsletter includes information Focus Adult Social Care, MCA Update Event, Liberty Protection Safeguards, Audit of Mental Capacity Assessments, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Activity Report and 7 minute briefings. This newsletter is provided for the benefit of Provider Forum Members. Provider Forum Newsletter – December 2022 (PDF, 660KB)

2 years ago | Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB)

Job Opportunity: Independent Chair (North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board)

North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board Consultancy Fee: £550 per day (up to 2 days per month) plus reasonable expenses JOB TITLE: Independent Chair (North East Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board) North East Lincolnshire has beautiful coastline and countryside and is a developing part of the country with exciting, successful and long-standing health and social care […]

2 years ago | News

Provider Forum Newsletter – May 2022

The May edition of the Provider Forum Newsletter includes information on Social Care Institute for Excellence – Covid-19 Advice, Focus Adult Social Care, Liberty Protection Safeguards Update, MCA Practice Guidance – Adult Refusals of Care and Treatment, Promoting Less Restrictive Practice, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Activity Report and a 7-Minute Briefing. This newsletter is provided […]

2 years ago | Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB)

Together for All Conference

Over 300 people attended a conference packed with inspiring speakers and thought-provoking workshops, hosted at the Grimsby Institute for Further and Higher Education on 2 July 2019. This showcased two major developments in the wellbeing of children and young people in our area. The first was the launch of the new Safeguarding Children Arrangements for […]

5 years ago | News